Saturday, March 22, 2014

Role and equality of Women in Sikhism

“We are conceived and born from women. Woman is our life-long friend and keeps the race going. Why should we despise her, the one who gives birth to great Kings?”
                                                                                                        ...Guru Nanak Dev ji 

In Sikhism woman has all the rights and privileges enjoyed by a man. She is considered to have the same soul as man and has equal right to grow spiritually. The Sikh woman is allowed to lead religious congregations, to take part in Akhand Path (the continuous recitation of the Holy Scriptures), to perform Kirtan, to work as Granthi (priest) or a preacher and to participate freely in all religious, cultural, social, political and secular activities.

Sikh history records the names of several women, such as Mata Gujri Mai Bhago, Mata Sundari, Rani Sahib Kaur, Rani Sada Kaur and Maharani Jind Kaur, who played important roles in the events of their time.

   Mai Bhago (Mata Bhag Kaur) led Sikh Army in 1705 against Mughals.

The Sikh Gurus raised their voice against the evils prevalent in society with regard to women. The evil rite of sati (burning alive with the dead body of the husband), infanticide of the girl child, veil, etc. were opposed. Because of the Muslim influence, observance of Sati ritual was becoming very common. The Guru-poets have explained the real import of being a ‘sati’ and opposed burning of women with the dead bodies of their husbands and said that a ‘true sati’ is a woman who regards her spouse as God, and lives a life of chastity after his death, in the following words –

Satia eh na akhian jo madhyaan lag jalann
Nanak satiya janian jo birha chot marann.(p.787)
(A sati is not the one who burns herself on the pyre.
Sayeth Nanak a true sati dies of shock of demise.)

Now days Sikh Women are in good position in India also around the world.  She is a successful Politician, business Woman and also Soldier.

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